Monday, July 20, 2009

Blue Skies & Putting Blueberries By...

Saturday was filled with blue skies...

And the makings of blueberry pies...
We went to a local family run fruit farm for some u-pick fun.

Raine had been here before and was eager to show me where all the different fields of vegetables and fruits are, how to go about getting your picking baskets, where we could pay and buy fresh peaches on the way out, and even the location of the porta potty. She was a wealth of information:)
I had no idea what a professional berry picker! She gave me a great tutorial on what a "good" blueberry must look like and would frequently check my baskets to make sure I wasn't picking the "bad" ones.
We worked hard through the morning and picked a total of 10 pounds of blueberries to fill up our freezer for the long winter. It was a great day filled with light, love, learning and was just what was needed by all...

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