Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Beyond Beautiful~

She who surprises me daily with her thoughtful insights into this busy world.
She who has a way with all living things animal, human, or otherwise.
She that can can speak volumes with only her huge doe-like brown eyes.
She the very reason that I strive to be so much more than I ever feel capable of.
She is the light in this life that I am blessed enough to have helped create.
She is a friend like no other that I cherish more and more as she grows.
She is all feeling and depth and spirit that dances across this earth with magick in her soul.
She the believer that anything is possible and that all exists if only you can but imagine it.
She is beyond beauty in my eyes and will forever be my reminder of what it is to truly live.
She is my Raine and I am so very proud to be called her mother~

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