Saturday, June 14, 2008


What seems like long long ago my world existed in another place. It was the place that I grew up in and always go to in my dreams, and although this is a place that I love with my whole heart and soul and hope to one day go back to, Today I find that I am home. As I settle into a new house in a small town on the other side of the country I finally after almost seven years of being in this area have found that, as is always the case I am exactly where I am supposed to be. I found a piece of earth to call my own with forests and fields and moonlight and water. A house that fits the my family so well and yet has room for change. A town that is filled with people that call to my heart in ancient ways and show me that I am not alone. I very much miss the ones that I left behind and think of and try to connect with you often, but I am happy for what seems to be a new beginning, one that I feel will make me a better mother and person. I hope to return to you all someday a more enlightened being with so much more to share. I leave you today with my love and a glimpse into my new world...

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