Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Our Vote Was Cast...

We travelled through the back woods last night is search of a little fire department in order to cast our vote for a man that we hope will bring about a good change for the future of this country.
Raine was excited and knew for whom she was partial to as she had voted in class earlier in the day and was sure that this was the right man for the job. She said to me that she liked both men but one man's smile was a little bit brighter and he seemed like he laughed more often. She thought that if a man was truly happy and had a kind heart he would be a good president and looking at it in this light I must agree. As I was trying to make my decision over the last few months I knew who I was leaning towards and whose policies and promises I was more inclined to believe in but I was worried that I would again be voting for the lesser of two evils. I took what my daughter said to heart and trusting my intuition voted for the man that is today our new president.
This morning I feel a great sense of hope that he with the help and energy of all who believe in him will be the leader that this country so dearly needs and can bring about the changes that will guide our country/world towards a better tomorrow...

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