We so often breathe life into the souls of others,
Taking care of those that we feel need our assistance,
We tend to live in one extremity or another,
Selfish, blindly walking through existence,
Or Giving, putting everything we have into those around us,
We are here for reasons unbeknownst to us or so it would seem,
Fear, Love, Hate, Passion, and Sorrow, are just a few of the emotions that guide our lives,
If each were given the option at the beginning would you ask for only the good,
Would you always choose Love?
I would not…
You cannot have one without all the others to make it real,
You cannot appreciate what one truly is without knowing the others,
It is in the way that we discovery pieces of each that we find ourselves,
To many of us run from that which is difficult, avoiding the very experiences that shape us,
Do you think that happily ever after happens to those who run?
Happiness comes to those who make it by taking chances with their hearts,
No one ever wants to be hurt, but would you know true love without the mistakes,
I would not even call them mistakes, for what are they but guidelines to show the way,
Those who say they do not know themselves are not looking deep enough,
We cannot help but know what it is that we are if you truly wish to see the answer ,
We choose to ignore the very essence of our beings,
When things do not appear to fit in with what we are taught by Others…
How is it that you would deny what you know feels right because something outside says it wrong,
Do you think that we are all meant to be the same?
Each soul has a different path and is born with the strength needed to take it,
But know that it is not ever supposed to be Easy…
Nothing worth it ever is…
So ask yourself this…Why is it that we will fight for things that are insignificant,
But not fight for that, which makes us unique,
Embrace what you know is right and fight everyday to develop that person,
Know yourself and never allow another to make your decisions for you,
Breathe life into yourself and care not for the misunderstanding of others,
Only you can understand your own heart,
But in doing this remember each time that you look at another that they too have their own paths,
Do not judge what you may not understand yourself, but look beyond yourself
To see that there is rhythm and beauty to everyone though they themselves may not have seen it yet…
If we took the time to truly bring ourselves to life before we try to bring life to others
We could do so much more and happiness would be so much easier to grasp,
Love yourself, Find yourself,
Then with the confidence that only that can bring,
Find Another…