Friday, February 20, 2009

My Statement to Winter...

My darling winter you are getting very sleepy. You are growing tired of staying up all night and blowing your cold winds across our lands. You have put in a great season this year with so many storms of swirling snow and mornings filled with glittering ice. Your breath is almost gone and after giving the earth her great slumber you are now ready for one of your own. So close your heavy eyes and let the sun sink you into the ever waiting ground. Let your mother cover you in a warm blanket of grass while the cherry blossoms bloom and then pay tribute to you as their petals fall like snow. Sleep deep for another year when we are again ready for the healing rest and stillness that you provide. I thank you for the quiet and look forward to seeing you again but your brother Spring is in the air and it is time for you to go....

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