Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Raine's Awesome Science Project!

Raine has been working on a huge science project for school.  She was asked to choose an ecosystem and decided on coral reef.  She has been researching and compiling information on it for weeks on her own.  So far she's had to turn in a big report, build a PowerPoint on one of the animals living in her ecosystem and it's food chain and several other small projects.  Last night she came home with a frenzied look in her eyes and said we needed to build a diorama and it was due tomorrow!  Can you tell the procrastination apple doesn't fall far from the tree :)  I was so excited over the word "art project", that I completely let go of the fact that we could have worked on this all last week.  This kid loves to wait until crunch time to get things done.

We worked together to come up with a design, and then I let her run with it. She had to show three different ways that outside sources were disturbing the delicate balance of the worlds oldest ecosystem. She chose illegal dumping of toxic sludge/oil, trash in the oceans, and over fishing. She went out and gathered dried tree and bush parts and painted them in the vibrant colors of the ocean. The pink coral is borrowed from our maple tree, the bright green seaweedish looking piece was from on of out bushes, and and big pine needle cluster(hard to see in this picture) was made to look like a sea anemone. She use cut up recycled wrapping paper tube and tissue to make the toxic sludge barrels and "floated" styrofoam on the ocean ceiling along with some of that nasty coke can plastic for the trash portion. Last but not least was the fishing net over the whole project to represent over fishing. It came out so great and I am one proud mama!

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