Thursday, November 4, 2010

Ode to Raine's class parties...

Oh, seasonal classroom parties how I love thee...
You bring my martha stewart soul to life and allow me to throw a party without ever having to stay and socialize.  You make it ok for my very shy self to pull out all the stops, sneak in under the cover of darkness(I have to be to work very early in the morning) and tranform Raine's classroom like some magickal decorating/baking fairy.

You let me buy adorable frankenstein candy cups and turn them into a spooky treat. 
You help me make applesauce with green sugar sprinkles into a completely awesome party favorite that kids will  be dying to eat.

You give me the chance to break out my mini fall cookie cutters and make my cupcakes a little bit wild.
It is because of you that I can turn tiny pumpkin erasers into super fun confetti and use green glitter to highlight my menu for all to see.  Though the thing I like best is the huge hugs I get from a special little girl that was on cloud nine all day!

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