Tuesday, January 27, 2009

3 Things....

This year I want to be more involved in the world outside my door. I want to really take notice of all those that I walk by each day. I want to listen to the small things that so many of us choose not to hear and pay attention to what they are saying. I want to be open to the opportunities that the earth so often give us to change what is or make a difference in anothers life. I have decided to do three things each month for someone else. These things can be done for or gifted to anyone. They can be for the someone I know well or to the perfect stranger that I know not at all. Some would call this random acts of kindness and I would agree, but for as much as they are for others I am doing them for me as well. I want to be a great person when I leave this world and I believe that it takes a great deal growth and understanding to get to that place. As I tune in and listen to those that have been placed in my path I will learn from them and know more in different ways because of them. I will let myself see beyond the surface and in doing so allow for the possibility of changing the way they view this world as well. January has gotten of to a great start and as I suspected the earth has provided me with the tools and understanding I need to fulfill my path and I am already feeling different because of it....

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