Friday, January 9, 2009

Makes Perfect Cents...

It's friday and I need to pick up Raine tonight. I have 1/2 a tank of gas, .27 cents left in my bank account until wednesday and a freezer/fridge/pantry full of things that with a little imagination have the potential to be great. I started to worry this morning when I discovered just how close I was cutting it this week but realized at the last second that maybe this was a blessing in disguise. When I thought about it I could see that it basically said that we need to stay in this weekend. Take this time to do some of the crafts/projects that we've been putting off so long because we have been to "busy" to get to them and to do some "slow cooking" of the kind that starts from scratch and takes all day. I have to say that what felt like a disaster this morning now feels more like a gentle reminder from the earth that this is exactly what Raine and I need after the whirlwind that was december. I am going to enjoy this excuse to break away from it all and settle in to the simple. Great things can come when you allow the body to be still so that the soul may take flight and I hope that I will accomplish just exactly that. May all of you find a moment of stillness this weekend and let your own creations come to life. See you on monday...

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