Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Sunday Mornings

Picture this...Early Sunday morning in the kitchen in our pajamas and matching pink crocks. A big deep blue earthen bowl between us and a counter top covered in organic flours, sugar, cinnamon, eggs and fresh strawberries. We worked as a team cutting up the berries and adding them to our bowl, chatting quietly in the soft morning sunlight the cats (also present) soaking it up in the windowsill. Raine did the mixing and I prepared the pans. Into the oven three loaves of strawberry bread went, one for our neighbor, one for work, and one to share for breakfast with the daughter of my heart. It was a morning that I will keep locked in my memories until I am well into the crone stage of this life, one that I will think of and smile in those quiet moments, and one that I know she enjoyed just as much. Sweet, Simple, and Homemade with Love, A Perfect Day...

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